What Types of Cases Do Forensic Accountants Handle?

A document certifying David G. Marcus in financial Forensics in El Paso.

Forensic accounting is detective work: It is very much a process of following the money. David Marcus is the managing partner of Marcus, Fairall, Bristol & Co., PLLC; the only accounting firm certified to offer forensic accounting services in the El Paso area. He says that Forensic accounting firms play a critical role in uncovering […]

Tips on Tax Reductions for Businesses

A person holding a calculator and pen while doing business taxes in El Paso.

For businesses of all sizes, managing taxes is a critical aspect of financial planning. Finding ways to legally and strategically reduce tax liabilities can improve cash flow, boost profitability, and contribute to long-term success. If you’re struggling to navigate the complexities of business taxation, Marcus, Fairall, Bristol + Co., PLLC is here to help. Contact […]

Tips on Effective Debt Management for the Business Owner

Two people looking at statistics on a computer in an accounting firm in El Paso.

Effective debt management is critical for the financial health of any business. Business owners must be aware of their debt to develop a plan to manage it and monitor their progress regularly. Doing so can cut costs, promote cash flow, and uphold a good credit score. If you are a small business owner in the […]

An Overview of Forensic Accounting and Its Importance

A magnifying glass on top of financial documents in El Paso.

Forensic accounting is a specialized field that entails the use of accounting, auditing, and investigative skills to uncover financial wrongdoings, misappropriations, and disputes with the help of a Certified Public Accountant (CPA). Forensic accounting aims to generate factual and reliable financial data in the form of expert reports that can be used in legal affairs. […]